Grow Your Business with
Low-Cost Marketing Tactics
A step-by step guide for growing
your business
Buy it now on DVD for $9.95
Learn the Top 20 Low-Cost Tactics you can adopt today to increase sales. Kim's fast-paced webinar was recorded live and is presented here with full on-screen visuals. Enjoy the convenience of owning this step-by-step workshop to view over and over at your own pace.
Do you have lofty goals and a limited marketing budget?
Kim will show you the essential steps to creating a marketing effort that uses a solid mix of tactics to communicate an integrated message across multiple channels. From extremely low-cost marketing, including media relations, partnering, buzz marketing, sales letters and e-mail, through the smartest and most affordable ways to use a full range of effective tactics, including customer reward programs, place-based marketing, dimensional mail, cinema and cable TV advertising, you'll get practical advice you can put to immediate use.
A step-by-step guide to the best, most affordable ways to take your business to the next level of success. Buy it today and receive a FREE companion audio workshop with your purchase. more ...
This top-quality ebook covers marketing strategies, tools and tactics, sales and promotion, and planning for success. So when you're finished, you'll be ready to build sales for your growing business. more ...
Each chapter presents one of thirty "truths" -- vital concepts that, once learned, will have a dramatic impact on your bottom line. Filled with stories of successful home business owners in a fascinating
range of fields. more ...